
Executive Committee 
The Executive Committee of the Social Services Advisory Board consists of the Chair of the Board and the Committee Chairs of the other two committees. This committee meets at least twice per year. The Levy Agency members may not serve on the Executive Committee. The duties of the Executive Committee are to annually review the Code of Regulations, recommend new members to the board and evaluate the performance and direction of the Board.

Budget and Levy Review Committee
The Budget and Levy Review Committee oversees the levy-funded agencies and annually evaluates their budgets, programs and/or levy requests. There are three levy-funded agencies; the Children Services Board (SCCS), the Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services Board (ADM), and the Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board (SCDD).

Health and Human Services Committee
The Health and Human Services Committee evaluates and makes recommendations to the full Social Services Advisory Board on the human services needs of the community. The Committee also monitors the direction and progress of the Summit 2020: A Quality of Life Project initiatives.