Active Transportation Planning

 Give 3 feet. It's the law.


Vision - Walking and biking in Ohio will be a safe, convenient and accessible transportation option for everyone.

WALK.BIKE.OHIO FACT SHEET Slow down. Watch for pedestrians.

Statewide Bike and Pedestrian Plan

ODOT is pleased to present Walk.Bike.Ohio, Ohio’s first statewide plan for active modes of transportation. The themes, strategies, and action steps contained in Walk.Bike.Ohio will address the plan’s goals of safety, equity, network connectivity, network utilization, preservation, and quality of life. So many of our residents depend on walking or bicycling to remain mobile and connected; and so many also are choosing and prioritizing healthy, sustainable lifestyles.

Active Transportation planning is the development of a transportation system with numerous travel choices inclusive of all ages and abilities while also preserving environmental quality and open space. A robust active transportation system that improves public health outcomes promotes walkability, bicycle transit, thoughtful parking, curb space management, synergy with public transit, and appropriate traffic adjustments (i.e. traffic calming). A comprehensive multimodal plan is a cost-effective way to enhance a city’s sustainability, increase physical activity, and ameliorate the economic needs of its residents.

Fulfilling active transportation objectives includes developing strategies to engage communities, advocating for active transportation policies, researching geographic and existing infrastructure circumstances, performing informed design of systems and facilities, addressing barriers to implementation and usage of active transportation recommendations, and evaluating the outcomes for better infrastructure improvements in the future.

These reports detail the research, recommendations, and development of resources for a healthy built environment promoting opportunities for active transportation and physical activity in the City of Akron and the City of Barberton.